
Thursday Evenings, 7.30-9:30pm

The Badminton group meets in the main hall on Thursday evenings throughout the year between 7.30 and 9pm.  The group currently has players from mid-teenager to people in their eighties.  Light coaching is available and it is hoped that people will come with some basic knowledge of the game.  The group is always pleased to welcome newcomers and play as single and mixed doubles and generally numbers are less than a dozen, so you can expect to get more than 3 games in during an evening session.

Ideally players need to bring their own racquet but there are some available to lend to get started.  Cost is £2.00 per night together with membership of the BCA.  No special clothing is expected but no black trainers  please – to avoid marking the wood flooring.

If you would like to join the group, please come along on a Thursday evening.  You are very welcome.

Group Contact:  Sue Morgan 0191 378 1172

Want to catch a bus from the Village?  click here for live bus arrivals and departures to and from the village – type Brancepeth Village into the search bar.