BCA Policies

Brancepeth Community Association (BCA) has adopted the following policies to provide a safe, healthy and conducive environment for all users of our village hall community building; to comply with all relevant law and Charity Commission guidelines:

1.          Children & Vulnerable Adults

2.          Data Protection 

3.          Equality & Diversity

4.          Health & Safety

The overall and final responsibility for all BCA policies sits with the management committee, who are responsible for ensuring policies are upheld. All members, volunteers, affiliated user groups, ad-hoc hall hirers and other visitors are required to read and adhere to these policies.  The policies are available below, on the notice board in the hall and also from the bookings secretary.   Please click the following link to access the full policies document: BCA Policies

Want to catch a bus from the Village?  click here for live bus arrivals and departures to and from the village – type Brancepeth Village into the search bar.